“You need to get her outside more. Let her take her books with her.”

This was the doctor’s advice to my mom when I was a young girl, voraciously inhaling books on our farm in southern Minnesota.

Apparently, nudging me out the door, precious words in hand, planted a seed that has grown into a nearly insatiable passion for both nature and words.

Preferably, simultaneously.

I’m an early retiree, strolling through the days with my dear hubby of nearly 35 years. The two of us are meandering towards our later years with our precious dog, Gracie, who makes us laugh and smile and carry warm hearts every day. And freshly licked faces. ☺️

The world will never starve for want of wonders, but only for want of wonder.
— G. K. Chesterson

Here is where you will find:

  • WONDER: My fascination with the extremes of nature: majestic mountains to tiny wildflowers to soaring redwoods to droplets of rain. Often expressed in my photography.

  • PONDERING: Analyzing, sitting with, questioning, researching. And then it all goes into a pot, I stir it up and out pops some new insight.

  • MUSIC: Bird song, a babbling brook, an orchestra, a loved one singing or simply a curated playlist. Music makes my heart dance.

  • CONNECTION: Although sometimes annoying at best, devastating at worst, I connect dots. And people. And information. Sometimes all at once.

Thanks for being here!

🤗 W E L C O M E 🤗