Love > Fear

Take a moment to listen to your body. Is your breath shallow? Heart racing? Your brain a maelstrom of negative thoughts?

“Just look at what’s happening.”

“Time is running out.”

“We need to stand up, fight, take charge.”

Are things really falling apart? 

Or could they be falling into place? 


“What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost ALL THINGS. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.” Philippians 3:8 

Everything as loss:  Nations. Families. Respect. Homes. Schools. Possessions. Choice.

—The demise of what we cherish reminds us that this is not our home.— 

Paul tells us the only real gain is Christ. 

Love > Fear

Trust > Anxiety

Humility > Control

God has been, is now, and always will be in control. He is trustworthy.

God divinely monitors countries, cities, communities and all things he created.

Including His beloved children.

Today I’m asking:

- Are my thoughts centered on the past, present or future?

- Do my actions show unyielding confidence in my sovereign King?

- Will the words I speak today shine a light that is irresistible to the lost?

“There is no fear in love.” 1 John 4:18

I must examine my heart, for that is where thought and action stem from. When I lean into my desire to fix, control, resist, or take responsiblity, am I really wanting to be right, smart, enlightened, or wise?

Tread carefully, dear one.

Go. Make disciples. Lavish grace on others. Serve. Point people to Jesus. 

This is where my heart needs to be. Offering the only lasting hope for a hereafter in a dazzling, unlimited, flawless, serene, pain-and-trouble free eternity. 

Everyone is welcome. Come and see.

Father, you rule all. You are holy, perfect and always by my side. Calm my fears and anxieties. Knock down my selfish pride. Fill me with your Word and grace. Let it flow like a mighty river to those who still need to meet you. Lead me to the lost. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


This has blessed me immensely. Thank you Sharon Garlough Brown for providing this daily centering on truth. 


“You will find a colt tied there. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’” Luke 18:30-31 NIV

I wonder, how did the owner of the donkey react when his foal was taken?

 He could have held on for dear life. He could have said he knew better, had different timing, or suggested the disciples find a different donkey. He could have insisted on coming along to see the fate of his precious foal, unwilling to let go.

I have done all of those things.

When I reflect on the path my loved ones have walked, or are still traveling, I can see places where I tried to intervene, where I though I knew better, or I tried to be the voice of the Holy Spirit. My perspective and thinking was RIGHT. 

“His Master needs him.” Luke 18:31 MSG

What if God needs them right where they are?

Could their challenges be an opportunity for me to show compassion, to share the grace I have been given?

Could their suffering transform them and their story subsequently used to minister to other souls?

Is it possible that I don’t see the whole picture and God has a plan?


Why do I always think I know better?

Why do I intervene, fix, control, or manipulate?

Why am I compelled to spit truth into faces of the lost, the wayward, the struggling, the insecure?


Deep down, I’m afraid. I can’t live with the results of the choices others make, the beliefs they hold, the words they say. I do not want to watch them face loss, pain, or disappointment.

We are obsessed with protecting, controlling, intervening, correcting, shaming, dividing, rescuing.


Lies that I am rejecting today:

- I need to point out the truth or correct wrong thinking EVERY TIME.

- My dear lost ones should be converted TODAY.

- Fixes, advice & conviction are MY JOB.

- MY interpretation of the Holy Word is the only plausible one.

Father, you are sovereign and holy. Time is in your hands and I can trust you to hold my loved ones no matter what they face. Rescue me from my fear as I rest in your care. Humble me and fill me with kindness, gentleness and your light, for all the world to see. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Father, my beloved Creator. I am your masterpiece, made in your image. Quiet my emotions and my mind as I speak your truth into my heart. Remind me who I am.

I am seen. I am not ever hidden from you and I am never alone. Let me feel your presence.

I am heard. You listen to my deepest longings, doubts, fears and hopes with tenderness and compassion. I am never too much for you.

I am unique. I praise you because I am intentionally, wonderfully made. Help me embrace my originality with unfettered hands and heart.

I am protected. I will not be afraid or discouraged. Each step I take, you are with me.

I am cared for. You have promised to strengthen and help me. You know every need I have and delight in blessing me.

I am gifted. Enlighten me to manage the talents you have given me to inspire and encourage others. Pour out what you have placed inside me.

I am empowered. Give me courage and confidence to seek your glory, not mine.

I am strong. My weakness displays your might and power. Light my way as I look to you for reassurance when it feels like I am failing.

I am transformed. Reshape my mind and actions to align with your good, acceptable and perfect plan.

I am loved. Because of the compassionate gift of your Son, I receive grace, mercy and forgiveness as I forge my way into your purposes for me.

I can rest. Awaken my spirit to honor my body as your temple so I can be refreshed and restored.

I can persevere. I will not become weary in doing good when I rely on you. Be my anchor when I face challenges and disappointments.

I have peace. The peace you give reaches beyond what the world offers, supplying me with incomprehensible calm in every situation I face. Silence my worries as I persistently trust you.

I am your child, lovingly held and cherished by the King of creation. What great love you have lavished on me!

Father, my identity is in you. Prepare me to point others to you as I surrender all my being to the reason you shaped me. I desperately want to walk in your will and create for your glory. You alone. Show me. I am yours.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



“He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” Daniel 2:21

Is there an implication here?

When God gives me wisdom, and I receive it and apply it, does He give me more?

When God gives me discernment, and I grasp it and utilize it, does He give me more?

Solomon had the opportunity to ask for anything. ANYTHING. And he asked for wisdom. God granted him wisdom that no one before him or after him was given.

God: “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”

Solomon: “I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.”

God: “Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth or the death of your enemies, I will do what you have asked.”

God: “I will give you a wise and discerning heart.” 1 Kings 3

Is that my constant prayer?

Lord, give me wisdom to choose well.

Lord, give me discernment in my parenting and care-giving and relationships.

Father, give me insight to understand, even when I disagree.

Father, help me apply judgment to myself, first and foremost.

Spirit, give me good sense and caution when I open my mouth.

Spirit, give me perception and open eyes to the needs of others.

“Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are His.” Daniel 2:20


It wasn’t just the manna.

“You are not grumbling against us, but against the LORD.” Exodus 16:8

Why is it so cold?

I wish I could quit my job and just relax all day.

Could I have just one minute of quiet?

My kids never call me.

My husband never helps me.

I have too much food and am therefore overweight.

Is this line ever going to move?

If that dog barks one more time…

I can’t believe the store was out of the one thing I wanted.

Why can’t life just be easy?

We all complain. We are no different than those Old Testament wanderers.

But it wasn’t just food that God provided.

- They didn’t have to plant the manna.

-They didn’t have to weed the fields or water the plants.

-They didn’t have to worry about the weather destroying their food.

-They didn’t have to store the manna longterm and carry the load.

-They didn’t have to worry.

It. Just. Appeared.

“What is it?” Exodus 16:15

It was unrecognizable.

It probably tasted funny.

It was eaten as served, not turned into anything else.




It wasn’t just about the manna.

It was provision. Kindness. Perfect timing. And trust.

God simply gave.

He is still doing the same for us, and we often can’t identify all the blessings either. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. 

The door that just closed to what you thought was the perfect opportunity. But wasn’t.

A delay in departure that protected you from an accident.

A cancelled appointment that will allow more time for prayer.

Sunshine streaming through a frosty cold window.

Younger ones right in your town, desperate for a stand in mom or dad.

Space in a long line allowing time for a quick word of encouragement to a stranger.

It never has and never will be about US.

It’s about HIM.

All of it. Every day. All the moments and seconds we are alive.

“There was the glory of the LORD appearing in the cloud.” Exodus 16:10

Go outside today. Look up. Glory is there.

Father, open my eyes. Squash my self-centered thinking. Calm my emotions. I am here for your glory, not mine. Help me be a light today. Amen.

Peace > Relief

A bit of important insight was deposited into my life recently:


“I’m praying for peace about it. When I feel peace, I will know how to move forward.”

Has PEACE become the holy grail?


“When he came to his senses, he got up and went to his father.” Luke 15:17, 20

The prodigal son quit his job, started a journey while hungry and alone, and walked in humiliation to his childhood home to grovel for a chance to live. Did each dusty step bring him increasing peace? I doubt it. Does that mean the decision was wrong?

What is the difference between feeling RELIEF and having PEACE?

A cruel word slung at our loved one = feeling smug, content, victorious.
We satisfy a craving with sweets, alcohol, binging = feeling satisfied, full.
We post on social media = feeling smart, powerful, popular, vindicated.

Often I feel RELIEF, but I am nowhere close to having godly peace. A momentary release of agitation, conflict or sentiment rarely displays the Light I carry inside.

Abraham. Jacob. Judas. Peter. Sarah. They all made choices that brought temporary relief to their situations. Most times they ignored what they knew to be true and let their feelings control them. And the consequences came raining down. The peace they sought escaped their grasp.

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him.” Luke 15:20

When we choose poorly, our Father offers deep, lasting forgiveness. While every door we open may not offer relief, if we walk with our Father, with his mighty arms around us, we will rise above those vexing feelings that attempt to lead us astray.

Moses climbed up into the dark cloud. Despite fear.
Esther approached the king. Despite danger.
Elijah slept, ate and returned. Despite weariness.
Job endured. Despite loss and pain.

Despite their feelings, they had peace.

Truth > Emotions.
Peace > Relief.

Father, thank you for your grace. Teach us to discern between relief and godly peace. Let our light burst out and shine brightly today, pointing others to Jesus. Praise the Lord. Amen.



“Let them see again.”

It is my deepest, heartfelt prayer for those I love.

For the one who is collecting knowledge to find truth.

For the one shattered by the unimaginable death of a lifelong dream.

For the one submerged in shame and regret.

For the one whose insecurity creates prideful judgment of others.

For the one bone-weary from years of undeserved verbal abuse.

For the one obsessed by the praise of others.

For the one fractured by unhealthy or noxious relationships.

For the one aching for love, acceptance, worth and belonging.

For all of us.

For me.

Jesus offers, “What do you want me to do for you?” Mark 10:51

The blind man used to have vision. He wasn’t always blind. He says, “My teacher, let me see AGAIN.” (Mark 10:51) He used to have open eyes but became sightless. 

Have you forgotten what it’s like to see? Have you ever REALLY known Jesus?

“Take heart; get up, He is calling you.” Mark 10:49

I too want to throw off my cloak of shame, darkness, fear, independence and pride. I want to spring up and bolt to Jesus. I want to follow him on The Way.

Faith does indeed make us well. But God will not force us. It’s always, eternally an invitation.

You’re invited. We all are. 

Lord, help us see again.

Remind us You are faithful. Show us your presence. Soften our hearts. Relax our grip. Draw us near to You, your Word, your Spirit. Lead us to the still waters. Help us to just BE. Gently turn our faces upward to look at You. YOU. That is where we find all we are searching for. 


A Song For You: “Come As You Are” by David Crowder.


Giving and taking away.

That’s the thought I woke up with this morning. The familiar bible verse from Job took over my brain as I sang Blessed Be Your Name (Matt Redman):

You give and take away. You give and take away. My heart will choose to say. Lord, blessed be your name.

Job had trauma upon trauma upon trauma. FOUR TIMES messengers declared the devastating news of COMPLETE LOSS. His children. His livestock. His servants. Everything he owned and loved was gone. In the blink of an eye. Yet, he speaks out against his shattered heart and says, 

“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” Job 1:21

In this context, I define “give” as something positive; “take away” as negative. But is there a deeper meaning here? Job says in Chapter 2:10, “Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?”

Could giving be:

- a difficult work or family situation designed to teach me patience, kindness, self-control

- relationships where I practice listening, encouraging and stepping outside myself

- failures that teach me humility, trust, surrender or dependance on others

- atypical opportunities to share hope, touch, love and compassion

Could taking away be:

- sweeping aside a temptation or desire I struggle with

- removal of a toxic relationship, goal, or habit

- replacing a cherished dream with a new divine plan

- deliverance from the clutches of anxiety, depression, loneliness or isolation

In Chapters 38-41 God speaks. He answers Job. He reminds Job, and me, of why He is to be praised. Worshipped. NO MATTER WHAT.

Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?

Who shut up the sea behind doors?

What is the way to the abode of light?

Where does darkness reside?

Does the rain have a father?

Does the eagle soar at your command?”

Am I spending my days holding out my hands and anticipating how God will fill them with good things? Am I flinging all my unwanted pains and struggles away, praying that God captures them so I can savor a carefree, comfortable life?

The morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy. Job 38:7

Lord, let this be me. Singing. Shouting. With unfettered, unrelenting fervent JOY.


The large maple tree in our backyard has nearly lost all of its leaves. I often found myself under this towering giant, soaking up the sound of rustling leaves while I strolled through its colorful offering, spread gently on the ground.


To some, it is the end of blissful heat, the smooth touch of cool water and the loss of freedom.

To me, it is GLORIOUS.

Yet, as I gazed at the stark branches, the words that invaded my brain weren’t exactly positive. 

Lifeless. Dead. Bare.

I held those for a moment, and then released them and pivoted. I could choose to see through a different lens. I asked God, “What do you see?”

Rest. Protection. Rejuvenation.

My reliable backyard companion had worked hard all summer, providing shade, offering safety for the plethora of flying beauties that call our yard home. Then, he surrendered to Autumn’s invitation to let go and be glorified with innumerable shades of green, yellow, orange and red. In doing this, his journey would inevitably end with release, empty arms and withdrawal.

The imagery hit me hard.

I hate being cold. Winter is not my friend, or even an acquaintance I can tolerate well. Falling leaves signifies the beginning of Winter’s advance towards me, with intent to hang around long after I’m done with him. If I could live in perpetual Autumn, I would.

Except - seasons have a purpose. In my life, too.

Where am I letting go of my summer offering? 

Are my limbs lowering into a long rest in preparation of a new time of giving? Growing?

What do I need protection from in the future?

How will I allow time for me to rejuvenate?

He indeed restores my soul. 

I yield, arms aching to hold those I love. Soon, but not yet.

I pause, listen and tarry.

I withdraw for a time to sit at His feet and channel my inner Mary, silencing Martha.

Lord, help me surrender so I can be glorified. 

For You.

Only You.



“I am so sorry you’re going through this. It sounds really challenging. I’m here.”

These significant words can be offered to a friend who is trudging through the muck of a difficult situation. It doesn’t matter if they caused it or not. Life can be  agonizing. We need someone to simply care, to just listen and stay by our side. 

“That happened to me too. I can relate.”

Wow. When we stumble into a relationship where someone REALLY GETS IT - that - THAT is golden. We feel seen and heard and known and loved. We are tethered together, arms linked, no longer feeling alone, abandoned, isolated.

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, JUST AS WE ARE (emphasis mine).” Hebrews 4:16

In every way. EVERY way.

Jesus is that Friend.

He was tempted to give up, give in, judge, criticize, become hopeless, apathetic, frustrated, anxious, cynical, judgmental, depressed, overwhelmed. He knows EXACTLY how you feel.

He is the Great Empathizer.

His eyes see past all the masks we wear, the ways we hide, the lies we believe and the truths we hesitate to accept. 

He loves you. YOU. 

Come as you are. 



There is literally not one thing that can separate you from God’s love. 

Even if you don’t accept it. He STILL loves you. He wants to adopt you, make you His, walk with you all your days. Make you NEW. Give you REAL hope.

What are you running from today?

I know Image Bearers who:

 - suffer from chronic pain, every moment of their day

 - are overwhelmed. With parent care. With child care. With self care.

 - desperately dream of becoming a parent

 - wonder if their marriage can ever be fixed 

 - can’t forgive themselves for past mistakes

 - struggle to escape from depression, loneliness, anxiety

 - mourn the changes in their country, city, relationships, physical abilities

 - are consumed with a longing for joy and hope

 - yearn to find a partner, a job, a home, a time of rest


God isn’t a vending machine who simply comes alongside our plans. Just as a parent knows what is best for a child, seeing the future, God is the wisest Life-Planner in the universe. 


“How will he not also…graciously give us all things?” Romans 8:32

The ONLY antidote I know for Image Bearers to press on:  Jesus. He not only paid for every minuscule wrong-doing, but He sent us our Comforter, our Guide, the indwelling Spirit, 24/7, 365 days a year. 

YOU ARE NOT ALONE. And God will give you all things. It just won’t look the way you think it will. Stop running. Turn to Him.

A playlist for today. 

[If you need someone to listen, pray for you, encourage you - PLEASE reach out. The enemy is thrilled when we isolate. Please. I’m here.]

Image Bearers

Can you picture him?

He’s gloating over our gossip. 

He’s toasting our tepid conviction. 

He’s cheering the toxic chatter.

He is perched on our shoulders, whispering exactly what our ears are itching to hear.

He has twisted the truth, yet again.

Divide: drive a wedge between; set asunder; pit against one another; detach; set at odds; disunite; separate; isolate; come between; cut up; dissect; disjoin.


Therefore anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. -James 4:4

He is running wild, spreading hate and judgment and pride and fear and failure and discontent and sadness and disconnection and hopelessness. And the world is buying it - lock, stock and barrel.

If I had a nickel for everyone I know, hear about or see that is DESPERATE for belonging, connection, kindness, a listening ear or warm hug - I WOULD BE RICH.

But he gives us more grace. James 4:6

How are you using your free will today?

Choose well.



Say this with me now:

I can’t actually do things perfectly.

I’m not always right.

I don’t have all the facts.

I can’t see the future.

I can’t change the past.

I’ve hurt with my words, my attitude.

My pride has ruined relationships along with my unforgiving nature.

I give up too easily on the important things.

I compare too much.

I am flawed and weak and lost.

Nebuchadnezzar asked, “Then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand?”

The fire was 7X hotter than normal. And God protected.

The soldiers guarding His beloved ones died from the heat. And God protected.

And then….THEN…


Do not worry, precious child of God. He has you, safe in his grasp. He will not only save you from the evil one, he will rescue you from yourself. 

Confess. Repent. Surrender. LISTEN. 

He is here.


No one gets a free pass; we will all suffer in some way.

But we do not suffer alone, not ever.

Fortunately, everything we experience is for our transformation, our ultimate good.

If you are suffering, ask God to show you how to persevere.

Be patient.

Keep going.

Seeds grow in the dark, but it takes time.


You were created for a purpose. Every single trial, success, relationship and blessing have led you to this moment.

You are right where you are meant to be.

Our reason for living cannot be for ourselves. If that is our goal, we will always fail at some point. We will disappoint others, make poor choices, or bask in the gifts we don’t actually earn or deserve.

If we can wrap our minds around the fact that we exist for HIS GLORY, the striving ceases. The push for perseverance ends. We no longer rely on our personal intelligence or accomplishments.

We rest.
We are content.
We hold onto the hand of the Almighty as he gently, kindly, tenderly leads us through ALL THE THINGS.

Trials are for our transformation. Struggles force us to give up autonomy and look up.

His glory.
Not mine.

Lord, today fix my eyes on You. Help me focus on all the good in my life. Remind me to keep going, one step at a time, even when it feels like I’m slipping backwards or falling into a pit. You have seen each moment of my life and nothing is a surprise to you. I am safe. I simply need to trust You. Always.

You are there, no matter where I find myself. I am never, ever alone.



No matter how you feel today, you are right where you are meant to be.

All of your needs are being taken care of, even if your wants are still unfulfilled.

Whatever you are facing can be endured, worked through, redeemed, celebrated or welcomed through the strength of Christ.

You are not alone.

You are seen.

You are known.

You have a purpose.

Keep going.


As yet another grey day rises and firmly plants itself right in the middle of April, I need to capture my thoughts. Take them captive. Remember what is true.

I am safe, warm and fed.
I have community, connection and family.
I am chosen, unique, deeply loved and have a God-given purpose.

Nothing God causes or allows is wasted. Not even cold, grey, not-yet-spring days.

Contentment is only found in surrendering to the One who always, eternally has what’s best for me in mind.

I trust Him.
He is faithful.
And He is growing things in the grey-ness.

Eternal Soul

Father, you are wise, mighty, powerful, kind and generous. You are my protector, my comforter, my source of peace and hope. Only you can strengthen me to face my day. You see me, you know me, you love me. Just the way I am. At exactly the place I am today. Fill my heart, my home, my life with your Holy Spirit. Open my eyes and ears to hear your voice and see you at work in my life and the lives of my family and friends. Give me patience. Lead me to forgive first, to apologize first, to serve first. Give me a willing heart to accept your plan for me today. Protect me from fear, anxiety, temptation and the evil one. You are still King, Creator, Father. Remind me that I can freely approach your throne of Grace-any time, any day, any moment. Thank you for your provision, your peace, your protection and love. Hold me up today when I feel weak, inadequate or weary. Lift my face to look into your eyes and renew my spirit. Help me to gently set my burdens at your feet. Increase my trust and dependence on You. Humble me, transform me and show me all the things you are making new. Thank you for never leaving my side, for holding my hand, for forgiving me for all of my sins and mistakes. Thank you for eternal life that I am living TODAY. I am not a body with a soul. I AM AN ETERNAL SOUL with a body. What a precious, wonderful, caring Father you are. Let me gaze on your creation today and feel your nearness. I love you Lord! In Jesus might name. Amen.