• Post radiation: I developed a significant, itchy rash called radiation dermatitis. Eventually, I requested a prescription steroid lotion that took care of that pesky little devil in about 10 days. Fatigue peaked about a week after radiation therapy was complete. Some days it felt like I had 30 pound weights on my legs. Some days it still does. :( The good news is that I had time, space and privilege to rest. Energy and stamina continue to build but I am still working towards full recovery. J. continues to remind me that it may take up to four months for the impact of radiation to work itself out. P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E.

  • Surgery: I am still experiencing tender spots in several areas of my breast, and continue to have a numb spot under my arm where the lymph nodes were removed. The scar on my breast is beginning to become unnoticeable; scar under the arm is longer and hasn’t changed much. The dizzy spells that started following surgery are becoming less frequent.

  • Heart: Several days after starting hormone blocking therapy, my heart rate spiked to 189. It continues to randomly spike with no known trigger. After wearing a Zio heart monitor for two weeks, I was diagnosed with SVT (Supraventricular tachycardia). Not life threatening and can be managed with the vagal maneuver. It was scary for awhile but relieved to have an answer.

  • Hormone blocking therapy. Started Letrazole the end of May. Not too many side effects except for increased muscle and joint pain and some insomnia. Oncologist has taken me off of Letrazole temporarily to see if heart issues disappear, indicating that the Letrazole will need to be swapped out for another med. Time will tell.


  • GRATITUDE. I am technically CANCER FREE!

  • THANKS. For an incredible care team. For friends and family who provided support from near and far, in so SO many ways!

  • For my care team to discern how to correct the spiking heart rate.

  • For willingness to rest and care for myself despite actively selling our Minnesota home and preparing to move to Montana


